Which is better Shopify BigCommerce Magento or WooCommerce?

Today, we’ve resolute to bring to you the ultimate showdown: Magento against Shopify against WooCommerce.

Magento, Shopify, and WooCommerce are the three biggest names in the eCommerce industry aptly currently. They be inflicted with outdone their competitors by a generous margin.

Did you know with the intention of combined, these three call more than 50% of the eCommerce promote share?

Magento Vs Shopify Vs WooCommerce: Promote share stats
These platforms are structured differently and cater to uncommon types of eCommerce needs. One needs to take uncommon answer aspects into tab previous to making a scale. We’re vacant to compare these eCommerce giants on the basis of uncommon criteria, and furthermore produce suggestions on which platform you must aid in which circumstances.

Table of Content:
Magento Vs Shopify Vs WooCommerce: Which is Better?
SEO effectiveness
Performance & Scalability
Some added advantages
When must you aid these platforms?
Before we bound into Magento against Shopify against WooCommerce showdown, let’s produce you a concise introduction on these eCommerce giants to think it over how far they’ve occur.

Magento Vs Shopify Vs WooCommerce: Magento website
Magento is by far the generally customizable eCommerce platform lone can discover. It was ongoing in 2007 and soon went on to be inflicted with 500,000 users. Magento has two services: One is Open Source, which earnings somebody can sign up and get on to a website pro emancipated, and the other is Magento Commerce, which is a paid preparation with the intention of provides all hosting services.

Currently, Magento has around 250,000 eCommerce websites, with a 10% share in the top 1 million eCommerce websites in the planet.

Magento Vs Shopify Vs WooCommerce: Shopify website
Shopify had at the start ongoing as an online pile called Snowdevil in 2004. It went on to be converted into an eCommerce platform in 2007, its retailers acquiring a lattice sales of $100 million in 2009. Presently, Shopify has 820,000 merchants using its platform.

Shopify is such a lofty secure amongst users now since it’s more like a software-as-a-service everywhere non-technical those can straightforwardly sign up and make their online pile running in thumbs down calculate. There’s thumbs down learning curve involved and the interface is pretty intuitive.

Magento Vs Shopify Vs WooCommerce : Woocommerce website
Equally of currently, WooCommerce runs 29.1% of all eCommerce supplies, which amounts to around 3 million supplies. WooCommerce is in effect a WordPress plugin with the intention of lone has to install with they’ve bought a domain pro a WordPress website. The wits why WooCommerce now holds the leading promote share is since it’s straightforward to build an online pile on this platform if you’re already a WordPress user.

The user interface is pretty straightforward, but lone does need approximately basic HTML or CSS information to keep up their online pile on WooCommerce.

Top Brands & Industries
Take a look by the top brands & Industries using these three platforms:


No. Magento Shopify WooCommerce

  1. Helly Hansen Kylie Cosmetics Sodashi
  2. Paul Smith Budweiser Henry J Socks
  3. Christian Louboutin Sephora Root Science
  4. Omega Watches Tesla Porter and York
  5. Wrangler Europe Red Bull Barefoot Buttons
  6. Lee Europe Allbirds Forage & Graze
  7. Chopard Jones Soda Wakami
  8. Nike Nestle Clickbank
  9. Ford Fashion Nova Dark Horse
  10. Land Rover The Economist Earthbound
    Magento Shopify WooCommerce
    Retail Retail Publishers
    Information Technology Apparels & Fashion Services
    Computer Software Consumer good Content gray websites
    Wholesale Restaurants Healthcare & Biotech
    Magento Vs Shopify Vs WooCommerce: Which is Better?
  11. SEO Effectiveness
    It provides well ahead SEO facial appearance along with inbuilt analytics. It generates SEO friendly URLs and meta descriptions, integrates Google locate maps with the intention of are auto-generated in websites, automates watermarking and image resizing, and that.

Along with these facial appearance, SEO can be straightforwardly customized suiting your website needs if you be inflicted with the vital skill fit. A study in 2017 revealed with the intention of Magento had an SEO notch of 100 made known of 100.

Use this Magento SEO handbook to increase your store’s organic status.

Being an eCommerce initially pile Shopify is beyond doubt optimized pro SEO. The single conundrum is with the intention of it doesn’t produce much opportunity pro customizations. There might be approximately SEO practices with the intention of are point pro your affair, but you won’t be able to involve them made known if Shopify doesn’t allow you to.

Thanks to the plenty of plugins and extensions unfilled in WooCommerce, it offers a skilled degree of SEO. Users can furthermore nip the settings as they like to suit their website better.

Winner: Tie linking Magento & WooCommerce
2.Performance & Scalability
Performance and scalability of ecommerce platforms

Magento is exceptionally powerful and can straightforwardly accommodate thousands and thousands of products along with distinguished website traffic.

If you be inflicted with a lofty affair or be inflicted with lofty diplomacy pro prospect extension at that time Magento’s robust content management logic will beyond doubt complement persons diplomacy and you won’t be inflicted with to migrate to more powerful software.

Magento is furthermore straightforwardly scalable, so you can straightforwardly boost or decrease the assets your member of staff serving at table requires depending on website traffic. This earnings you won’t be inflicted with to experience one slowdown in alacrity or website crashes all through swift traffic surges.

Read more: Magento performance handbook

When it comes to locate alacrity and performance, Shopify fares well. Inside detail, locate alacrity is lone of its foremost advantages.

When it comes to scalability it doesn’t sort out well compared to the other two, which can verify to be a interference if your affair grows. If you aspire smooth scalability pro as your affair grows, at that time you’ll be inflicted with to aid Shopify Plus, which can boost your expenditure dramatically.

WooCommerce allows pro scalability, but those inexperienced with code might discover it trying to extent their websites according to needs. If you don’t be inflicted with one coding background at that time you can say with the intention of WooCommerce isn’t scalable pro you by all.

Winner: Magento

  1. Support

Magento has a strong convergence of around 300,000 members. With amateurs and certified members alike contributing to these communities, it’s not tricky to discover help if you’re having one issues. However, their preside over customer support might not be as timely as lone would aspire.

Shopify prides itself in its 24×7 customer support. The response calculate is skilled and they’re ordinarily timely with their replies and solutions. You can get to their customer service through live chat, email or phone.

WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, and the WordPress convergence is enormous. You can straightforwardly take help and benefit from codes or plugins produced by others in the convergence to enhance your website’s functionality.

Winner: Shopify

  1. Ease Of Use
    Magento has a distinguished learning curve. One cannot keep up a website on this platform lacking getting a rising expert’s help or hosting service. You need to be inflicted with a working information of PHP, cloud hosting, HTML, and that, otherwise, it’s impracticable to run a website on Magento.

Like we’ve understood previous to, Shopify requires thumbs down former information of coding or website development. The platform provides software and hosting itself, which earnings the users single be inflicted with to agonize in this area setting up and crafty their pile (for which plugins and themes are available).

If you’re sanction with running your WooCommerce websites on its emancipated themes and plugins, at that time it’s very straightforward to aid. But, in generally suitcases, you will require approximately customizations, which is as WooCommerce will make tricky, especially if you be inflicted with thumbs down coding literacy.

Winner: Shopify

Security will not be a conundrum in Magento if you be inflicted with efficient developers and hosting services by your disposal. Magento being an eCommerce initially platform is made keeping security in mind. It keeps releasing security patches and here are a ration of security extensions and plugins existing pro a privileged level of security.

Since everything on Shopify is globally hosted, the platform is quite secure and dependable. Shopify takes trouble of your server-side maintenance and regulates it. It furthermore provides you a emancipated SSL certificate and takes trouble of PCI compliance pro you.

WordPress keeps updating pro bug fixing and security. The users don’t be inflicted with to agonize in this area one security as WooCommerce team constantly monitors and changes the code to lessen such threats. Apart from with the intention of, here are a ration of security plugins too with the intention of care for your website from hackers and virus attacks.

Winner: Magento

Out of the three, Magento offers the generally opportunity pro customizations. There’s thumbs down limit to how you can exchange theme facial appearance, SEO settings, layouts and more. Since there’s rising vital, your website can be as unique as you aspire it to be.

Shopify is not very customizable, so users are wedged with the basic facial appearance of whatever themes they point out. There’s an superfluous fee charged if you aid payment gateways with the intention of are not installed in Shopify.

WooCommerce gives more air pro customizations so with the intention of you can produce your website a unique look. You are emancipated to add or exchange the basic facial appearance of your themes, create your own extensions or plugins, nip your website describe as you aspire. There is access to CSS, PHP, HTML type code and if you know how to code, at that time customizing your website must be a cut of cake!

Winner: Magento
Added Advantages
Inside this Magento against Shopify against WooCommerce battle, here are particular advantages of all platform unique to them. Some of them are:


  1. Hosting frankness: Magento allows you to pick a hosting service of your scale (shared, dyed-in-the-wool, etc) and deal with your pile on your own stipulations.

If you aspire your Magento pile to function by its preeminent, I’d urge you Managed Magento Hosting. It makes guaranteed you be inflicted with the preeminent security, scalability or monitoring services.

Read other: How to Choose a Magento Host?

  1. Multiple websites: You can host multiple e-commerce websites through the same admin panel in Magento, and all of your supplies can be inflicted with uncommon looks, customizations, shopping cart systems, and that.

3 Site alacrity: Magento’s newest version bring up to date, Magento 2 comes with better caching and has publicized extensive locate alacrity improvements.

Magento Vs Shopify – distinguished performance

  1. Movable App: Shopify has outdone its competitors by building an app with the intention of allows you to advertise products from your mobile phone. You can add products, track visitors, integrate with social media and other sales channels, join with your customers and sort out much more.

There’s thumbs down doubt with the intention of this figure takes the platform’s ease-of-use benefit to the then level.

Magento Vs Shopify Vs WooCommerce : Shopify mobile app

  1. Design: Shopify comes with beautiful and professional-looking themes. There are around 100+ emancipated templates and many more paid themes. What’s more is with the intention of these themes are categorized under uncommon industry types like jewelry, clothing, furniture, and that. You can point out from the ones with the intention of suit your affair type the preeminent.

1.Themes & plugins: There are around 1000 themes with the intention of WooCommerce offers its users. Apart from the extensions made specifically pro WooCommerce, you can furthermore avail the repayment of plugins made pro WordPress websites with the intention of you can aid to boost your alacrity, locate SEO, security and so on.

  1. Sell whatever thing: WooCommerce allows you to advertise one kind of manufactured goods: Corporal, digital, subscriptions, bookings, appointments, and that. Downloadable items like ebooks and whitepapers can furthermore be sold through WooCommerce which makes it very flexible.

Magento against Shopify against WooCommerce: Disadvantages
Initially, privileged expenditure as compared.
Learning curve.
Need to hire a developer pro efficient locate management.
Themes can be tricky to apply.
Resource hungry. It needs more assets (RAM, CPU) to run by the book.
SEO is not as effectual compared to the other two.
There can be a dramatic boost in subscription expenditure as your affair grows and you need more functions.
There’s a monthly subscription fee with the intention of you can dodge if you aid WooCommerce or Magento commence source.
An bonus transaction fee is charged if you’re using third-party payment gateways with the intention of are not installed in Shopify.
Not an eCommerce initially platform
Website alacrity can now and again be a conundrum, with images taking calculate to load.
WordPress keeps updating its software, so all the installed plugins and extensions might not be compatible with the extra version.
Need coding literacy or outside help pro customizations. WooCommerce’s own themes and plugins could not be sufficient sufficient to cater to your exclusivity.
Takes longer to develop as compared to Shopify.
Not as scalable as Magento.

Magento Shopify WooCommerce

  1. $22000-$50000 p.A (rough estimate) $ 81.50 – $2000 (annual) The WooCommerce plugin itself is emancipated.
  2. Hosting services can charge $100-$1000 monthly depending on the requirement Domain & hosting built-in in the preparation About $12 p.A pro domain first name & $5-$25 pro hosting.
  3. Themes range from $30-$500 No bonus charge pro one theme, plugin, and that. Additional expenditure pro plugins, extensions, themes which can range from 25$-$150
  4. High developer costs No developers required Developer expenditure (low to mid-range)
    Pro-tip: Magento estimate can vary considerably pro each affair, read this Magento fee estimation handbook to make a rough perception.

When Should You Use These Platforms?
Magento must ideally be used if:

You’re a standard to a lofty enterprise or are looking to grow exponentially.
If you like to be inflicted with complete control ended security and customizations.
Magento is a beast as it comes to performance, SEO, and scalability. But it requires a developer’s expertise and dyed-in-the-wool assets to function smoothly.

So if you be inflicted with sufficient funds to hire experts, at that time there’s thumbs down thinking twice in choosing Magento.

If you think it over your affair growing speedily in the foreseeable prospect, at that time it’s permanently better to aid Magento from the start since there’s a lofty opportunity you might be inflicted with to migrate shortly.

Shopify can be used by small businesses and those alike. If you be inflicted with thumbs down coding information and are solely early made known it’s advisable to energy pro Shopify, as it is the smallest amount costly.

If you don’t aspire to fiddle much with themes and are not distinguished on customizations and website exclusivity, at that time furthermore Shopify is pro you.

It’s preeminent to energy pro WooCommerce if you already be inflicted with a WordPress hosted domain and website. Because at that time you can simply install WooCommerce’s plugin and it won’t cost you a penny.

If you be inflicted with coding information and are comfortable with changing themes and website codes, at that time WooCommerce might be a better option. You can straightforwardly make to order your websites and it will be cheaper than Shopify.

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