Here’s a look at the best 10 email marketing software platforms and what makes each a good pick.

The following top 10 catalog is the upshot of hundreds of hours of investigate, with the intention of I hope will assist you in choosing the exact email marketing software pro you.

The 10 Best Email Marketing Software
ActiveCampaign – preeminent pro small businesses & enterprise
Benchmark – preeminent pro agencies
Sendinblue – preeminent pro transactional emails
Drip – preeminent pro small-medium eCommerce businesses
Omnisend – preeminent pro medium-large eCommerce businesses
Autopilot – preeminent pro marketing computerization
Hubspot – preeminent pro B2B service companies
MailerLite – preeminent pro private projects
ConvertKit – preeminent pro bloggers
EmailOctopus – preeminent pro developers (uses AWS)
Below, we’ve outlined a candid assess of all tool’s pros and cons. We at that time break down the factors with the intention of mark out splendid email marketing software, with a head-to-head comparison of all ten email marketing tools across all nine factors; from affordability and stretch of aid to integrations and deliverability.

1 ActiveCampaign

Best pro small businesses & enterprises
Once an underdog, ActiveCampaign is currently lone of the generally standard email marketing tools with ended 130,000 small businesses customers.

ActiveCampaign offers a collection of customer experience computerization (CXA) tools – from SMS & email marketing to locate messaging and CRM functionality.

ActiveCampaign’s newsletter editor
ActiveCampaign’s intuitive drag-and-drop email marketing designer

At the sensitivity of ActiveCampaign’s platform is the computerization draftsman; A visual picture pro building automated marketing sequences across channels.

ActiveCampaign’s visual computerization editor
ActiveCampaign’s computerization draftsman makes building automations straightforward, akin to conception a flowchart

Unlike approximately tools with the intention of require expensive consultants and training to aid, ActiveCampaign’s intuitive design enables somebody to craft powerful email computerization sequences from scrape or by importing lone of their 500+ computerization recipes.

While email A/B difficult is existing by generally tools in the top 10, ActiveCampaign goes lone step additional by allowing you to run A/B split tests of full computerization sequences. This earnings you can test whatever thing – from the digit of touchpoints to the delays linking emails and further than. All of this ensures with the intention of your marketing improves with calculate – on autopilot.

ActiveCampaign split automations
Advanced computerization capabilities like split events and A/B difficult get on to it easier to optimize your performance

Equally an all-in-one sales and marketing tool pro small businesses, ActiveCampaign comes with an in-built CRM logic to deal with yours sales, live chat, and of way email marketing computerization in lone place.

ActiveCampaign CRM
A built-in sales CRM makes it easier to deal with deals, but furthermore connects to ActiveCampaign’s powerful computerization engine

And, incredibly, they’ve made all of this with a fee tag that’s 1/10th of many email marketing tools featured in this handbook – early by $9/month.

Our survey respondents using ActiveCampaign were overwhelmingly clear in this area it – and it was lone of the generally likely tools with the intention of businesses of all sizes were likely to move to.

What are ActiveCampaign’s Key Features?
125+ Email templates
500+ Automation recipes
800+ Integrations
Landing pages
SMS messaging
Custom exposure
Web personalisation
Split events and A/B Testing
Predictive content
Predictive carriage
Goal tracking and attribution
For the vast majority of small businesses looking pro a splendid email marketing tool that’s straightforward to aid and reasonably priced, ActiveCampaign is likely the preeminent balance of power, affordability and stretch of aid.

2 Benchmark

Best pro agencies
Benchmark is an appealing option pro one affair looking pro a well-designed and easy-to-use email marketing tool.

While not quite as well renowned as other tools in the top ten, they’ve be converted into an increasingly standard response to “Which tool are you tender to?” in our survey.

Benchmark sort out everything pretty well and are practically priced, but there’s lone business with the intention of really sets them apart from other email marketing tools – and that’s design.

Everyting from their templates to the platform itself is beautifully-designed – and not solely visually striking, but splendid user experience. While with the intention of could seem trivial to approximately, it makes all the difference as it comes to understanding your data and creating the aptly impression with contacts.

Benchmark is a skilled scale pro one small affair with the intention of needs unadorned, easy-to-use email marketing and computerization software. It’s likely to be a particularly skilled scale pro small agencies and consultancies everywhere design is valuable both from a personnel training perspective – and furthermore as long as a skilled experience pro clients.

What are Benchmark’s answer facial appearance?
Visual email draftsman
Marketing computerization
1,500+ Integrations
Landing pages
Surveys and Polls
Signup forms
A/B Testing

3 Sendinblue

Best pro transactional email
SendinBlue is best-known as lone of the leading transactional email services. Building on this reputation they built an email marketing computerization manufactured goods.

We aid Sendinblue to hurl transactional emails pro two of our ventures (Leadformly and Serene), as they’re lone of the hardly any email marketing providers with servers in the European Union (which helps with our GDPR compliance) and they be inflicted with skilled deliverability tariff (we’re now by 98%).

While I can’t comment on their marketing computerization facial appearance from first-hand experience, it’s evident from our customer surveys with the intention of it’s skilled, but lacks approximately of the more well ahead facial appearance (such as goal tracking, native integrations, and annotations).

If you need an email marketing tool with a solid API to make your emails into inboxes with a skilled deliverability rate, Sendinblue’s pre-built developer recipes get on to it an exceptional scale.

What are SendinBlue’s answer facial appearance?
Marketing computerization
Live chat
Transactional email
Landing pages
Signup forms
Facebook Ads

4 Drip

Best pro less important eCommerce supplies
I think it’s rational to say with the intention of Drip’s focus is on less important to medium-sized eCommerce businesses, while our then email marketing tool (Omnisend) seems better suited to the better eCommerce supplies.

Equally you’d expect, Drip integrates severely with all mainstream eCommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce – as well as the more block out and custom-made ones.

With built-in revenue analytics and tools to engage customers across multiple channels (from social channels to SMS) Drip is ideally positioned as a powerful tool pro growing eCommerce supplies.

Their pricing is furthermore delicious, early by $19/mo pro small catalog sizes.

What are Drip’s answer facial appearance?
Visual computerization
Email and SMS marketing
Dynamic eCommerce content blocks
Discount codes
ECommerce Segmentation
ECommerce pile integrations
Reporting dashboards
Split difficult sequences

5 Omnisend

Best pro medium-large eCommerce brands
Omnisend is quickly apt lone of the leading marketing platforms pro eCommerce supplies.

Designed to help eCommerce brands control their marketing across multiple channels, Omnisend offers automated email, SMS, get behind notifications, and generally astoundingly, integrations with Google Ads, Instagram, Facebook Ads, Messenger, and Whatsapp – which they aver be inflicted with 10X privileged click-through tariff than email.

Omnisend computerization

By focusing purely on eCommerce, Omnisend has built innovative email templates designed to reduce cart leaving behind and drive do again buyers. From ‘wheel of fortune’ offers to virtual scrape cards and birthday discounts, it’s evident with the intention of Omnisend’s built by a team intimately aware of could you repeat that? Facility in eCommerce.

Omnisend campaign templates

Equally you’d expect of an eCommerce email marketing tool, Omnisend hooks into generally eCommerce platforms, counting Magento, Shopify, and BigCommerce. Where Omnisend goes lone step additional is in integrating with assess, loyalty and help desk platforms, such as Yotpo, Smile.Io, and ReCharge.

This not single enables Omnisend to crash on how your campaigns impression sales, but enables you to trigger email, SMS and social campaigns based around your customer behaviour to reduce cart leaving behind, boost return buyers, drive more manufactured goods reviews, and more.

Omnisend exposure

If you aspire the facial appearance with the intention of get on to Omnisend stomach made known, you’ll need a PRO tab which starts by $199/month pro up to 10,000 contacts. While not the cheapest, nor the easiest to aid, Omnisend is a skilled option pro eCommerce brands with the intention of aspire lone multi-channel platform to imperative them all.

What are Omnisend’s answer facial appearance?
Visual email draftsman
Email, SMS and Push notifications
Transactional and marketing emails
Dynamic money off codes
ECommerce Segmentation
Surveys and Polls
Popups and forms – veer of chance, scrape cards and that.
A/B Testing

6 Autopilot

Best pro marketing computerization
Gone are the days everywhere email marketing is in this area carriage bulk newsletters.

Inside today’s digital landscape, it’s essential pro email marketing to be smart; carriage the aptly messages to the aptly leads by the aptly calculate, involuntarily.

That’s why all of our top ten email marketing providers provide marketing computerization. Equally the first name would recommend, this is Autopilot’s gift. To wader, they be inflicted with lone of the best-designed canvases pro building email computerization sequences.

Autopilot’s marketing computerization annotations

Anyone who has always built an email computerization sequence knows how quickly they can be converted into confusing. Autopilot solves this in a very odd way, allowing you to comment on your computerization sequences with emojis, stickers and explanations, making it straightforward pro teams to work together on building sequences.

Yes, it can make messy – but I’d very with the intention of and be able to understand what’s vacant on, than having beautiful computerization sequences with the intention of take semi an hour to interpret.

Another figure I love in this area Autopilot is its skill to trigger events in your other tools inside Autopilot. This saves having to configure integrations using a tool like Zapier and makes your sequences much easier to understand.

Autopilot third have fun integrations

Autopilot’s exposure is furthermore exceptional, though, I’ll energy into this in more point in our section on exposure and analytics not more than.

Starting by $49/month pro 2,000 contacts, Autopilot is far from the cheapest option, particularly taking into account with the intention of Autopilot does not offer an in-built CRM. However, Autopilot is exceptionally intuitive and splendid pro teams with the intention of need to work together on powerful email computerization sequences. If we had to move from ActiveCampaign, this is likely everywhere we’d energy.

7 Hubspot

Best pro B2B Service Businesses
Hubspot is world-class in offering businesses an all-in-one sales and marketing platform with the intention of includes a CRM, landing pages, email marketing, marketing computerization, chat, forms, and everything in linking.

Hubspot’s email draftsman

While approximately argue with the intention of ‘trying to sort out everything’ is Hubspot’s breakdown, it does enable them to sort out lone business exceptionally well; Reporting.

“Half the money I waste on advertising is atrophied; the vex is I don’t know which semi.”

– John Wanamaker
Mr Wanamaker, observably, didn’t aid Hubspot.

By using Hubspot as the backbone of your marketing and sales, you can more straightforwardly attribute revenue back to the marketing campaign, newsletter, or blog placement with the intention of influenced all deal. Inside this significance, Hubspot is more of a CRM with the intention of offers email marketing and computerization, very than sub- versa.

A word of caution in this area Hubspot’s price-creep.
While much-loved, Hubspot is the following generally likely response (behind Mailchimp) to “Which email marketing software are you leaving?” in our survey of 1,700+ email marketers. The wits is almost permanently the same; Price.

Hubspot spot themselves as an reasonably priced option pro small businesses by offering (very limited) emancipated versions of their products – but don’t be fooled by the Hubspot gateway-drug. Their platform becomes exponentially expensive as your catalog or figure supplies grow.

One affair title-holder I spoke with ongoing on a $50/mo preparation, and surrounded by a time looked-for a $2,000/mo preparation with the intention of had to be paid annually. The single difference was an superfluous 15,000 contacts and count marketing computerization, yet they jumped from considering $50 leave the layer to $24,000.

This is everywhere I feel conflicted in this area Hubspot.

On the lone furnish, you may possibly make the same functionality pro one-tenth of the fee using ActiveCampaign, Benchmark, or semi of the tools in this handbook. On the other furnish, if the regard of knowing could you repeat that? Influenced all deal is a conundrum worth paying a five-figure sum to solve, at that time Hubspot is a strong contender.

This is why we recommend with the intention of Hubspot is an ideal scale pro B2B service companies, everywhere the regard of winning an superfluous lone or two clients a time would straightforwardly cover the cost of Hubspot. This extends to better, or more sophisticated, agencies with the intention of should provide clients with in-depth reports on their marketing concentrate.

If you solely need email marketing software, Hubspot is probably heavy-handedness. But if your search pro email marketing software is part of a wider preparation to raise to your marketing game and increase performance across your full sales and marketing concentrate, Hubspot is a strong contender – but don’t expect it to be low-cost.

8 ConvertKit

Best pro bloggers
ConvertKit is a relatively unadorned email marketing tool used almost exclusively by bloggers and online way instructors to develop their private brands.

Their platform has thumbs down bells or whistles. It doesn’t even be inflicted with email templates, as ConvertKit encourages its users to hurl plain-text emails to boost engagement. Equally generally of its users are those tiresome to build a private brand this makes significance, but it does get on to ConvertKit a poor-fit pro other aid suitcases.

If you’re a creator with the intention of solely needs a unadorned tool to supply your audience with regular content, there’s thumbs down better tool.

ConvertKit’s editor

9 MailerLite

Best pro private projects
At the opposite aim of the fee spectrum, we be inflicted with MailerLite, which is amongst the preeminent email marketing tools pro regard pro money (it’s emancipated pro carriage up to 12,000 emails/month to a reduced amount of than 1,000 contacts).

Unlike the other beginner email marketing tools made known here, MailerLite is a universally skilled tool irrespective of industry. Whether you’re growing a small charity, a side-hustle, or are a supplier early made known, MailerLite offers everything you need to hurl bulk email marketing campaigns.

Mailerlite newsletter campaign draftsman

If you’re a small affair, I’d recommend with the intention of a tool like ActiveCampaign could be a better fit, as they offer an in-built CRM and more well ahead marketing facial appearance pro roughly the same fee.

For beginners and private projects, everywhere you solely need to hurl beautiful email campaigns to engage your audience, MailerLite is ideal.

If you aspire to produce MailerLite a spin, the those here be inflicted with sympathetically existing Venture Harbour readers an extended 30-day trial (instead of 14 days) via this link.

10 EmailOctopus

Best pro developers
There’s long been a notion in email marketing with the intention of the generally reasonably priced way to hurl emails is using Amazon’s Simple Email Service (SES). Yet, the UI solely isn’t built pro marketing teams to create campaigns.

Many email marketing services be inflicted with tried to join this gap – from Sendy to Moonmail, but they’ve often ended up either falling fleeting on facial appearance or gravitating towards being more developer-centric.

EmailOctopus be inflicted with nailed this balance.

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